How To Score

1. GAME (string): A game shall consist of ten frames (boxes) in each of which three balls shall be rolled, except when a player scores a strike or spare, called marks.  MARK IN FRAME 10:  A bowler scoring a strike or a spare in the tenth frame shall immediately roll one or two balls, as necessary, to complete that frame. The frame must be completed on the same lane on which the strike or spare is bowled.

2. NO MARK: When three balls are rolled, the bowler receives credit for the total number of pins knocked down in the frame.

3. STRIKE: A "strike" occurs when ten pins are downed with the first ball. To score a strike, the bowler receives ten plus the number of pins downed by the next two balls rolled by that bowler.

4. SPARE: A "spare" occurs when ten pins are downed with the first two balls. To score a spare the bowler receives ten plus the number of pins downed by the next ball rolled by that bowler.

5. TWO CONSECUTIVE STRIKES: Scores as follows:

A. Frame in which first strike is made: Score 20 plus the number downed by the first ball rolled in the second following frame.

B. Frame in which second strike is made: Score 10 plus the number downed by the first two balls in the next following frame.


A. Frame in which first strike is made: Score 30

B. Frame in which second strike is made: Score 20 plus the number downed by the first ball rolled in the second following frame.

C. Frame in which third strike is made: Score 10 plus the number downed by the first two balls in the next following frame.

7. CONSECUTIVE STRIKES OVER THREE: Score as per explanation in rule #6 above.

8. SCORING: The score sheet, tele-score and/or automatic scorer shall remain visible to all players at all times. No unfair tactics will be tolerated.

9. RECORDING INDIVIDUAL SCORES: Except for addition errors, it is the bowlers sole responsibility to see that his/her score is recorded properly FRAME by FRAME.

SCORES ARE OFFICIAL: When records are turned in (to secretary/statistician) by captain or official, corrections cannot be made after points are awarded.

Secretary/Statistician shall have the authority to make corrections in addition or points on match report sheets. (This rule may be superseded by league or tournament regulations). 

  • Score Sheets