2025 Adult State Tournament

May 2025 @ Webster Timber Lanes in Abington, MA

Event Schedule & Selections

SINGLES (5 Strings)


  • Sat May 10 3:00pm

  • Sun May 11 10:00am

  • Sat May 17 12:30pm

  • Sun May 18 3:00pm



(5 strings each)

$130/ Team

  • Sat May 10 12:30pm

  • Sun May 11 12:30pm

  • Sat May 17 10:00am

  • Sun May 18 12:30pm

Teams or Mixed Teams

(3 strings each)

Mixed = $260/team

5 Women, 5 Men

or 4 Mixed (2 Each)

  • Sat May 10 10:00am

  • Sun May 11 3:00pm

  • Sat May 17 3:00pm

  • Sun May 18 10:00am

Any Events

Bowler's Choice of event to participate in on these dates.

  • Thu May 8 2:00pm

  • Thu May 15 2:00pm



Must be entered before YOU bowl your first event Singles + 2 Doubles + 2 Teams

$25 (+ Event Entry Fees)

Do you have your Average Card?

Eligible for Handicap, Scratch & All Events Prizes, Must be an MBA Bowler with MBA Average Card.

By bowling in the SCRATCH ONLY EVENTS, you are only eligible for the SCRATCH Events, Prizes

Rules & Regulations

1.       Participation
- All participants in the tournament must be at least 17 years of age and must be a current league bowler with a minimum of 30 strings at a Massachusetts Bowling Association (MBA) member establishment.
See www.MassBowling.com for complete list of member centers. An MBA League Bowler is defined as a league member with 30 or more strings and one that is not a Substitute.

·     Youth bowlers who enter any portion of this tournament may not participate in the 2025 State Candlepin Youth Championships.

2.       AVERAGE VERIFICATION Cards – 30 string minimum

a.   All handicap bowlers must have a valid MBA Average Card stating your highest average and number of strings. Go to Get Your Average Card — Massachusetts Bowling Association (https://massbowling.com/get-your-average-card) and pay for and complete your average card. Have the card signed by both your league secretary and your bowling center. All information must be completed. Eliminate fractions. Use ink. Altered, changed or initialed averages will be rejected. Once your info is complete, get appropriate signatures and submit form by using the submission google form on your Bowler’s Page or email to [email protected]. Once your average is verified, your average will be reported into tournament database.

b.   TRUE Average shall be used in determining the highest average. You cannot combine averages from 2 or more leagues. If during the season, you have bowled with temporary injuries or physical circumstances that decrease your average, it will be reviewed by the Hosting House and subject to adjustment. If you are deliberately throwing away pins, your average cannot be considered a TRUE AVERAGE and will be subject to disqualification by the Hosting House.

c.   Late league starters must have a minimum of 30 strings recorded as of date of filing average verification form.

d.   Declared average is individual bowler’s sole responsibility.

e.     ONLY Official MBA Average Cards will be accepted as proof of average.

f.   Average may not be changed after an individual has started any event, except to increase it.

g.   Misrepresentation of any kind will result in disqualification of entire entry and forfeiture of all prize monies. Bowlers submitting falsified information will be banned from participating in any MBA sponsored Tournament for five (5) years.

h.     ENTRIES – must register at least 30 minutes before the shift starts. All participants in the tournament must be at least 17 years of age, and must be a current league bowler at a Massachusetts Bowling Association (MBA) member establishment. See www.massbowling.com for complete list of member centers. Definition of a League Bowler – A team member, not a substitute. (Substitute bowler averages Do Not Count.)

3.       Entries - must register at least 30 minutes before the shift starts

a.   A bowler may enter more than once but no more than twice in each event. Your first entry will be the one counted for ALL EVENTS. For re-entry in any team or double events at least one participant must be different from first entry. ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED OR CONSIDERED OFFICIALLY ENTERED WITHOUT THE ENTRY FEE. To pay entry fees, click REGISTER NOW below and purchase a ticket for your event. Any checks (for day of reservations) should be made payable to: MBA and handed in to the Tournament Director or MBA President Proof of entry is the responsibility of the bowler

b.   You may enter at any time. If you enter on the day of the event, your entry will be handled on a space available first come first served basis
only. No entry will be allowed after the shift has begun. No shifts will be added after the last posted shift.

c.    Follow the online store to purchase tickets for each event. In order to ensure preferred time and date, register early and choose your start time from the available times on the site. If the order is accepted, the time slot would be available. If you show up late for an event, the bowling center reserves the right to allow a walk in bowler to take your time slot. You will be allowed to bowl in any available time slot afterwards that has openings.

4.       EVENTS - (NO CLASSES): Singles, Doubles and/or Mixed Doubles, Teams and/or Mixed Teams. Handicap & Open events compete at the same time.

a.   In Doubles and Team Events, any bowler may enter regardless of average as long as each member of the doubles and/or team has valid MBA Averages as defined in rule 2.

b.   For average requirements for the tournament and further explanation see rule 8. Rule 8 also applies upper limits to Doubles and Team events.

5.       ALL EVENTS – (NO CLASSES) Winners are top ladies’ & men’s bowler with combined highest -21 string total

a.   Individual bowler must enter Singles, 2 Doubles Events (Mixed & Ladies/Mens) and 2 Team Events (Mixed & Ladies/Mens). The combined 21-string total plus personal handicap for each string is your “All Events” total. You must enter all 5 events (Singles, 2 Doubles and 2 Teams). Your initial score (1st and take your first scores from each event bowled

b.   All Events tickets must be entered & paid before bowler’s first ball is rolled in any event.

c.    A separate entry fee of $20 in addition to your ticket fees. Pay online or write a check to MBA the day of the event.

6.       SUBSTITUTIONS - Substitution may be made in any event except singles and are subject to Average Verification Rules (#2), a one hour notice is preferred before the tournament event starts.

7.       GENERAL RULES Appropriate dress required at all events. No cut-off or tank top or muscle shirts allowed

a.   In case of default for any reason, entry fee will not be refunded.

b.   Incomplete game(s) – score stands at time of default.

c.    Prizes are based on entries received. The MBA is covering the cost of producing the tournament and may, at its sole discretion, provide additional prize money to the PRIZE POOL. PRIZE POOL will be determined by the number of entries. All notices and prize money will be forwarded to the Team Captain. Distribution is their sole responsibility. Non-distribution of prize funds will result in suspension from further MBA Tournaments.

d.   Hosting House reserves the right to add or delete from the schedule to accommodate entries.

e.   ICBA official rules will govern all decisions. All decisions of the Tournament Director shall be final.

f.     Returned check bank charge of $20.00 applies.

g.   Smoking, including vaping, electronic or smokeless cigarettes is not allowed

8.      HANDICAP BASE & AVERAGE LIMITS: There is an average limit for each event except Singles. Handicaps are based on the average limit for each event as follows:

Men’s Teams: 650 Mixed Teams:575 Ladies’ Doubles: 240 Men’s Singles & All Events: 130

Ladies’ Teams: 575 Men’s Doubles: 260 Mixed Doubles: 250 Ladies’ Singles & All Events: 120


    a. Bowlers who bowl at NON-MBA Bowling Centers are welcome to compete in our SCRATCH Only Singles and Doubles/Mixed Doubles Events.

    ​An Average Card is not required for these events. Bowlers will pay $65 each to compete, this will include $25 towards bowling each of these 5 string events and $40 will be put into the Scratch Tournament Prize Pool.

    b. There will be no SCRATCH Team or Mixed Team ONLY Events.

460 Bedford ST

Abington, MA 02351


[email protected]

460 Bedford St, Abington, MA 02351, USA